From Stress

to JOY

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    A week long minicourse
    This minicourse is a selfstudy online course. 7 days in a row you will get each day a video with one "tool" that will contribute you to reduce stress, increase joy and open possibilites! And where can you use the tools? During your training sessions with your dog, during training other teams, at agility trials and competitions, on everyday walks... easily said you can use them for YOUR LIFE with or without your dog!
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    Lipsi Web
    You will have all the tools systematically in section for participants on Lipsi website. Your account will be automatically created and your sign-in info will be sent to your e-mail address just after you pay. Have fun!
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    You will also have access to FB group FROM STRESS TO JOY with other people who are going or have already gone through this minicourse inspiration. You can share your experience and enrich each other. I will appear in the group from time to time too. This course is primarily selfstudy but in case you have questions, post them there and tag me and who knows, maybe a miracle will happen! 😀 Enjoy the minicourse!

Proč odpočet?

Pavla Dušková

  • Dog and agility trainer for more than 20 years
  • Trainers'trainer
  • Facilitator of Access Consciousness
  • Thanks to Dogs to Ourselves



  • 1
    A week long minicourse
    This minicourse is a selfstudy online course. 7 days in a row you will get each day a video with one "tool" that will contribute you to reduce stress, increase joy and open possibilites! And where can you use the tools? During your training sessions with your dog, during training other teams, at agility trials and competitions, on everyday walks... easily said you can use them for YOUR LIFE with or without your dog!
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    Facebook group
    You will have all the tools (and videos) in FB group called From Stress to JOY. After paying the course please send the request to enter the group. How easy can it be for you to implement them in daily life? What miracles can they create in your and your dog's life?
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    I would love to support you even more! So I decided to be there in the group 23rd - 29th September 2023 FOR YOU giving you inspiration and feedback on your questions you may have about the tools. You will be more than welcome to ask any question connected to the tools and share your experiences what they create for you! *

Proč odpočet?

Pavla Dušková

  • Dog and agility trainer for more than 20 years
  • Trainers'trainer
  • Facilitator of Access Consciousness
  • Thanks to Dogs to Ourselves


Zvažujete, zda je minikurz pro vás?